The colours are simple and do not initially give too much away about the genre of the game. The titles fade in and out. Incidental music is used in the form of slow piano music which is quite melancholy and emotional. This known as contrapuntal sound as it constrast with that we see on screen.
The intro is like a major film in the sense that studio logos appear whichmake the trailer look highly professional. These logos are copywrighted which shows the legitimacy of the company. The titles are in black and white only which makes the text stand out.
hat is, a zombie outbreak. One would expect the music in this instance to be fast paced and heavy, however this trailer is done in a clever way, where the zombie outbreak is in slo
The confusion that w motion which makes the music seem almost parallel, despite the on-screen violence.
the audience feels is a contributing factor to the popularity of the game and upon it's release there will be a potentially high demand for the game, as the only way the actual storyline will be revealed is if you go ahead and play it.
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